Biology and Honors Biology 11/6 to 11/10

This week we will begin learning more about DNA!

Biology Lesson Plans

Monday: Review Sheet and work on Quizizz extra credit

HW: Study for our test

Tuesday: Cell Cycle Test

Wednesday: DNA Double Helix assignment in journal; Test Corrections

HW: If you don’t finish your corrections in class, come in before school to finish them

Thursday: DNA molecule diagram coloring in our journal

Friday: DNA and replication assignment


Honors Biology Lesson Plans

Monday: Cell Cycle Test

Tuesday: DNA Topic Review guide in journal; Test Corrections

HW: Complete the TRG in journal

Wednesday: DNA and Genetics assignment

Thursday: DNA molecule diagram in our journal

Friday: DNA notes in journal; DNA and Replication google slides


Both classes will be doing a DNA extraction lab next week on Monday!


Biology and Honors Biology 10/30 to 11/3

We are already getting in to November this week!  This week we are focusing on how and why cells divide, and will discuss why cancer is a group of diseases related to the cell cycle.

Biology Lesson Plans:

Monday: Cell Size Lab

Tuesday: Complete the Lab Analysis, Chromosome journal entry (Happy Halloween!)

Wednesday: Mitosis journal entry, What is Cancer? article and questions

Thursday: Cell Cycle Watercolor project

Friday: Label the Watercolor projects; Mitosis Drag and Drop assignment


Honors Biology Lesson Plans

Monday: Cell Size Lab

HW: Complete lab questions if needed

Tuesday: CER in journal; Mitosis journal entry

Wednesday: Mitosis assignment and Cancer article and questions

Thursday: Cell Cycle Escape room

Friday: Review the Cell Cycle

HW: Study for your Cell Cycle Test! (test is Monday)