Biology and Honors Biology, 2/3 to 2/7

We are in the middle of Punnett square Genetics and will learn some exceptions to the normal dominant/recessive pattern this week.

Biology Plans:

Monday: Monohybrid review notes, Dihybrid introduction and assignment

HW: Complete today’s assignment if you don’t finish in class and study for vocab quiz

Tuesday: Vocab quiz and Non-mendelian inheritance notes in our journal

Wednesday: Non-mendelian inheritance Quizizz using our journal

Thursday: Sex-linked inheritance journal notes, Practice assignment

Friday: Begin reviewing genetics, Begin our Genetics task cards review


Honors Biology Plans:

Monday: Dihybrid genetics journal notes, Frosty Dihybrid assignment

HW: Complete the Frosty page if you don’t finish in class and study for vocab quiz

Tuesday: Vocab quiz, Non-mendelian inheritance notes in journal

Wednesday: Non-mendelian inheritance practice assignment

Thursday: Labrador genetics challenge

HW: Complete the Labrador genetics if you don’t finish in class

Friday: Begin reviewing genetics, Genetics Task cards


Genetics test for both Biology and Honors Biology will be next week on Wednesday!

Biology and Honors Biology, Jan. 27 to 31

Last week of January already!

Biology Lesson Plans:

Monday: Meiosis notes in journal; Meiosis video clip

Tuesday: Mitosis v. Meiosis Venn Diagram; Meiosis Google Slides assignment

HW: Complete the assignment if you don’t finish in class

Wednesday: Karyotype journal entry and Karyotype diagnosis activity

Thursday: Intro to Genetics and Monohybrid Punnett Square practice

Friday: Human Mendelian traits activity

HW: Complete the Human Mendelian traits activity if you don’t finish in class


Honors Lesson Plans:

Monday: Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis notes

HW: pages 11 and 12 in journal

Tuesday: Mitosis vs. Meiosis Venn Diagram; Meiosis escape room

Wednesday: Karyotype discussion and Karyotype diagnosis activity

HW: Karyotype guided reading in journal

Thursday: Intro to Genetics and Monohybrid Punnett Squares; Genetics practice dominoes

Friday: Human Mendelian traits activity with google form quiz after to practice

HW: Complete today’s activity if you don’t finish in class

Biology and Honors Biology, Jan. 13-17

Here is what we are doing this week in Biology and Honors Biology!

Biology plans

Monday: Genetic Expression notes and Lab set up

HW: 5th and 6th period need to finish the Quizizz; 3rd period needs to finish the Genetics Clinic activity from last week

Tuesday: Epigenetics video and discussion; Twins Epigenetics Activity

Wednesday: Cell Differentiation notes and analyze our lab results

Thursday: Biotechnology notes in journal; DNA Fingerprinting assignment

Friday: Review and practice questions over what we’ve learned the past 2 weeks


Honors Biology plans:

Monday: Genetic Expression notes and Lab set up

HW: 1st period needs to finish the Genetics Clinic assignment from last week and 7th needs to finish the Quizizz

Tuesday: Epigenetics video and discussion; Twins Epigenetics Activity

Wednesday: Cell Differentiation discussion and analyze our lab results

Thursday: Biotechnology discussion; Shark Attack pre-lab questions

HW: Complete the pre-lab questions

Friday: Micropipette and Gel Loading Technique practice

Biology and Honors Biology, Jan 7-10

Welcome back!!!  I thought I was so on it yesterday getting ready for the students, and then I forgot to post on my blog!

Biology Lesson Plans

Tuesday: Protein Synthesis review assignment

Wednesday: Mutations notes in journal; Mutations stations activity

Thursday: Genetic Expression intro discussion; Twins Epigenetics activity

Friday: Set up Genetic Expression Lab


Honors Lesson Plans

Tuesday: Mutations Simulation assignment (after a quick Protein Synthesis review)

HW: page 5 in journal is due Thursday

Wednesday: Mutations notes in journal; Mutations stations activity

Thursday: Genetic Expression intro discussion; Twins Epigenetics activity

Friday: Set up Genetic Expression Lab

Biology and Honors Biology, Dec. 9-13 and 16-20

Biology and Honors Biology Lesson Plans (it is close to the same except for the level of questioning):

Dec. 9-13

Monday: Discuss Translation and “Decoding the Genetic Code” assignment

HW: Complete assignment if you don’t finish in class

Tuesday: Alien Arthropod Protein Synthesis Project

Wednesday: Alien Arthropod Protein Synthesis Project

Thursday: Turn in project and review for our 9 weeks test

HW: Study for the 9 weeks test

Friday: 2nd 9 weeks test (on DMAC)


Dec. 16-17

Monday: 9 weeks test corrections

Tuesday: Semester exam review activity

Wednesday-Friday: Semester 1 exams

Biology and Honors Biology Plans, 12/2 to 12/6

We have made it to December! We are starting some dress up days for the 12 days of Christmas tomorrow. I sent a student square message out to my students with the days just a minute ago.

Biology Plans:

Monday: DNA diagram coloring and labeling in our journal

Tuesday: (Algebra interim practice test in the morning); DNA Replication notes and DNA Quizizz for practice

Wednesday: (English interim practice test in the morning); DNA and replication google slides

Thursday: Finish the google slides and do the DNA Gimkit practice assignment

Friday: RNA and Transcription notes in our journal; Transcription practice


Honors Plans:

Monday: DNA diagram labeling in journal; DNA Practice Quizizz

Tuesday: (Algebra interim practice test in the morning); DNA replication notes and DNA google slides assignment

Wednesday: (English interim practice test in the morning); Complete google slides assignment and Gimkit assignment (7th )

Thursday: Do pages 22 and 23 in your journal; Complete any assignments from Tuesday and Wednesday if needed

HW: Catch up on any missing work from this week. Some will miss 1st period Tuesday and Wednesday.

Friday: RNA and Transcription notes in our journal; Transcription practice

Biology and Honors Biology, Nov. 18-22

We can make it through this week!

Friday is the end of the 6 week grading period in Marking Period 2. (In Skyward, it is labeled as M2B). Teachers need to have grades done for this grading period the Monday after Thanksgiving break. This grade check is an exemption check as well.

Biology Lesson Plans:

Monday: Cell Cycle Review

HW: Study for our test and do the Gimkit for extra credit

Tuesday: Cell Cycle Test

Wednesday: Test Boost and DNA Vocabulary

HW: Complete the vocab if you don’t finish in class

Thursday: DNA Double Helix Assignment

Friday: DNA Extraction Lab


Honors Biology Lesson Plans:

Monday: Finish Friday’s assignment and do the Cell Cycle Control and Cancer TRG (pages 23-25)

HW:  Complete the TRG if you don’t finish in class

Tuesday: Cell Cycle Virtual Review and Gimkit for practice

HW: Study for our Cell Cycle Test, Gimkit assignment

Wednesday: Cell Cycle Test

Thursday: Test Boost and page 27 of your journal (DNA Discovery and Structure TRG)

Friday: DNA Extraction Lab

Biology and Honors Biology, Nov. 11-15

Biology Lesson Plans

Monday: Student Holiday

Tuesday: Cell Cycle and Chromosome journal entries; Check Vocab

Wednesday: Mitosis Watercolor

Thursday: Mitosis journal entry; Label watercolor painting

Friday: Cell Cycle recap discussion; Cell Cycle Quizizz


Honors Biology Lesson Plans

Monday: Student Holiday

Tuesday: Cell Cycle and Chromosome journal entries; Complete the Click and Learn activity in our journal

Wednesday: Mitosis Watercolor

Thursday: Mitosis journal entry; Label our paintings

Friday: Mitosis and Cancer assignment

HW: Complete the Mitosis and Cancer assignment if you don’t finish in class

Biology and Honors Biology, Nov. 4-8

Here is what we are doing this week!

Monday: Review sheet and Gimkit; Project due at the start of class

HW: Study for our test

Tuesday: Photosynthesis and Respiration Test

Wednesday: Test Boost and Cell Reproduction TRG in journal (p. 13 and 14)

HW: Finish p. 13-14 if you don’t finish in class

Thursday: Cell Size Lab

Friday: Complete lab analysis if needed; Begin the Cell Cycle click and learn activity

Biology and Honors Biology, Oct. 28 to Nov. 1

Here we are in the last week of October already!

Biology Plans for the week:

Monday: Introduction to Photosynthesis journal notes; Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall? google slides assignment

Tuesday: Save Rosie Virtual Lab

Wednesday: Creepy Animal mini-project

Thursday: Creepy Animal mini-project (Happy Halloween)

Friday: Photosynthesis and Respiration comparison chart in journal; Work on Review Sheet (test is on Tuesday)


Honors Biology Plans for the week:

Monday: Photosynthesis notes in journal; Stomata Viewing Lab

Tuesday: Photosynthesis and Respiration comparison chart in journal; Are Forests Carbon Sources or Carbon Sinks? project (project is due Monday)

Wednesday: Work on project

Thursday: Bloody Chlorophyll Lab

Friday: Work on project (some may already be done, but band members will need this time!)

HW: Project is due Monday!