I hope everyone enjoyed the homecoming weekend and an extra day off of school!
Biology Plans
Tuesday: Microscope introduction and Lab, day 1
HW: Cell vocab (p. 21-23) and Cell Diagrams (p. 27-29) are due by Friday. We worked on them last week in class, but not everyone finished.
Wednesday: Microscope Lab, day 2
Thursday: Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote cell video and venn diagram in journal
Friday: Cell vocab and diagrams are due! Cell Organelle discussion and practice assignment
Honors Biology Plans:
Tuesday: Microscope introduction and Lab, day 1
Wednesday: Microscope Lab, day 2
HW: Cell Vocab is due on Friday (p. 26-27 in journal)
Thursday: Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote cell video and venn diagram in journal; work on vocab
Friday: Cell Diagram coloring